Secure Data using Firebase
- Google offers a product for a RealTime database built on NoSQL with authentication.
- Any type of data can be stored including latitude, longitude, or any other measured data.
- An administrative front end could be made to search, and name metadata about objects.
- Algorithms, such as trilateration can be calculated on Geo data, either in the cloud or in the browser
Example of Geo data stored in Firebase
- See this map of US Counties.
- The map is an admin view of US Counties with certain attributes
- Use case is a customer would input colors and tags for each US county, then data in GeoJSON format was stored in a Firebase Realtime Database.
- A mobile user could update a map and in real time a desktop user would have the same information.
Firebase + IOT
- Several articles on how Firebase is used in IoT applications
- Firebase IoT Tutorial
Given at least three circles, with known centers and radii, find the point closest to where they intersect.
Optimal solutions for a trilateration algorithm
- A Javascript algorithm that takes three or more circles
- Javascript is chosen because its portable enough to run in a browser, but if needed it can also be wrapped up into a cloud algorithm.
p1 = { x: 20, y: 20, z: 0, r: 32 };
p2 = { x: 70, y: 40, z: 0, r: 37 };
p3 = { x: 60, y: 70, z: 0, r: 35 };
Trilatertion Resources
- Trilatertion in Javascript (no license, sent request to the author) — gheja/trilateration.js. This is a generalized 3-space with three points of input. Require a generalized method for 2-space and n-points.
- Trilateration vs Triangulation – How GPS Receivers Work
- Graphical Differences between triangulation and trilateration?
Wikipedia on Trilateration
- Feasibility of Bluetooth iBeacons for Indoor Localization (PDF)
- Would be ideal to have trilateration algorithms in Turfjs. That way the algorithm has several more reviewers, and can account for trilateration applications to Geo.
Published Algorithms
- Machine Learning and numerical analysis in Javascript, with a trilateration example
- Trilateration in node
- Trilateration in Java for Android
- Trilateration with Python
- Trilateration.js