FOSS4G Boston

This was ePi Rational’s first FOSS4G event. For 2017, we gave a talk on how we built a visualization platform for based on Ocean Color data from NASA. We also built an offline map showcasing OpenMapTiles technology packed into an offline mobile map for iOS.

Presented on Wed Aug 16, 2017 at 2:30 pm


Click, then use arrow keys to navigate

FOSS4G Boston

Offline eπ Map of Boston, built for the FOSS4G 2017 Conference. Download app once and have access to Boston, Massachusetts roads and points of interest. GPS works without service.

What to see at the FOSS4G Boston conference — Conference venues such as District Hall, Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center and the New England Aquarium

Your privacy, your trip — After the initial app download, no server is necessary — We don’t track your location — We don’t have analytics in our app — We don’t care where you go, we just want you to enjoy yourself safely
